Breast Implants – Your Options

Patients considering breast augmentation now have more options than ever before. Silicone or saline? High profile or low? When it comes to breast implants, our Los Angeles breast augmentation patients have a wide range of the latest styles, sizes, shapes, profiles, and textures available to accommodate their unique needs and goals.

I’d be happy to talk with you in Los Angeles about breast implants. Simply request a consultation online or call us at  (310) 300-1779.

Why choose Dr. Stoker?

The Dr. Stoker Difference

For Your Breast Augmentation:
He served as a clinical investigator for cohesive silicone gel implants, today’s most popular options.
He’s published clinical research detailing more than 1000 silicone implant case studies.
He’s co-authored a number of articles on emerging concepts in breast augmentation techniques and safety.
He’s been featured throughout the media, including The New York Times and NBC’s “Today Show.”

Breast Augmentation, Rapid Recovery
 Before & After Photos


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Types of Implants

The two main categories of breast implants for women considering breast augmentation in Los Angeles are silicone gel or saline filled. Silicone gel implants have been popular since the early 1960s; they have gone through multiple generations of improvements since that time. From 1992 to 2006, the FDA restricted the use of gel implants while carefully controlled studies were performed to confirm their safety. Because extensive studies demonstrated that the silicone gel implants are safe, the FDA approved them for use in patients age 22 years and older.

Dr. David Stoker

Dr. David Stoker

Educated at some of the most elite institutions in the country, Dr. David Stoker uses his highly advanced knowledge to ensure that each patient achieves beautiful, harmonious results — whether it's through a simple non-surgical procedure or a more advanced surgical transformation. Learn more about his unique credentials and his approach to plastic surgery.

Why Choose Dr. Stoker
Professional Resume

Silicone Breast Implants

The main advantage of silicone implants is that they feel more natural than saline implants. Gel implants are less prone to rippling than saline, which makes them particularly advantageous for thin patients. The current generation of silicone implants is cohesive, meaning that the gel is viscous enough that even if the implant ruptures the gel tends to remain in the same place. The cohesive gel implants are an important advance in implant technology.

Sientra Breast Implants

Sientra® Breast Implants

A newer cohesive gel implant giving women more options. Dr. David Stoker offers the latest FDA-approved silicone breast implants including gel implants by Sientra.

Saline Breast Implants

Saline implants have a long record of safety and are less expensive than silicone gel implants. Because they are placed when they are empty and filled once they are inside the breast pocket, the access incisions may be even smaller. When a saline implant leaks, most of the saline from the implant is rapidly and harmlessly absorbed by the body. The deflation is usually obvious, and the patient returns for removal and replacement of the saline implant. This may be done under local anesthesia if the patient is an appropriate candidate. The primary disadvantage of saline implants is that they don’t look or feel as natural as the silicone gel implants. This is a particularly important issue for women who are thin or have decreased elasticity of their skin.

Breast Implant Profiles

Breast implant profiles, such as high, moderate, and low, describe the degree of projection from the chest wall. As the profile increases, the width of the implant decreases. I usually find that midrange profiles are the best fit for my patients. High profile breast implants are often a good choice for a woman with a narrow chest who wants a significant increase in size. Moderate or low profile implants are often a good fit for women with wider chests who desire a modest increase in size.

Anatomical Versus Round Implants

Breast implants come in a large variety of sizes and shapes. In choosing an implant shape, it’s important to understand that the implants look different when they are placed behind a breast than when they are sitting on a shelf. Round implants, for instance, take on a more anatomical shape when they are placed under the muscle. The pectoralis major muscle compresses the upper portion of the implant, creating a teardrop shape. Gravity has a similar effect on the implant when the patient is in the standing position. I believe round implants under the muscle are the best option for most patients.

Anatomical implants may have some advantages in select cases. In theory, because the implant has the shape of an ideal breast, it should give the most natural result. In practice, however, there are many other variables that affect the final outcome of the surgery. It is uncommon for the anatomical implants to appear more natural than round implants, in my experience. The anatomical implants also require an incision underneath the breast for appropriate positioning, and this limits incision options for patients choosing these implants. There’s a small chance that the anatomical shaped implant may rotate, creating an unnatural bulge that may require the implant to be repositioned with another operation. Round implants do not have that disadvantage.

For more information on selecting a breast implant in Los Angeles, request a consultation online or call  (310) 300-1779.

Nonsurgical Procedure Treatment Planner

Non-Surgical Enhancement

Our expertise extends beyond plastic surgery. We offer an extensive range of non-surgical treatments administered by our talented, experienced team of aesthetic providers under the guidance of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Stoker.

If you have a treatment in mind, review our complete offering of non-surgical services. If you need a little help deciding, narrow down your options with our interactive treatment planner.

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