Stoker Plastic Surgery: David Stoker, MD
4640 Admiralty Way #1000
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Phone: (310) 300-1779
Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Eyelid Surgery Before & After Case 332
Case Details
Sun exposure and the aging process were causing this 51-year-old-woman to be unsatisfied with her appearance. She was unhappy with the wrinkles around her eyes and thought her skin looked tired and dull. Wanting to revitalize her look, she contacted Dr. Stoker's practice and set up a consultation to discuss plastic surgery in Los Angeles.
Her surgeon took the time to ask her specific questions about what she wanted to change. She pointed out that she did not like the way her eyelids drooped because it made her blue eyes look smaller and less noticeable. She also wished for fewer lines and wrinkles and wanted her skin to look "lit from within." After hearing her concerns and examining her facial features, the surgeon recommended eyelid surgery as well as carbon dioxide laser resurfacing. Often it is beneficial to combine surgical and non-surgical facial procedures for patients who want an overall facial rejuvenation.
For the operation, her surgeon performed upper and lower eyelid surgery by removing sagging skin from the upper lid and tightening the lower lid. After she healed, she returned for the carbon dioxide laser resurfacing to smooth out her skin. Her pictures were taken five weeks after surgery and show a significant improvement in skin tone with fewer wrinkles and a glowing complexion. Her eyes are also more open and prominent. She is very pleased with her new look.
Procedures Performed
Provider: Dr. David Stoker
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.