What Not To Do After a Mommy Makeover

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After a Mommy Makeover, you’ll need to abstain from strenuous activities, lifting, and certain sleeping positions. But there is a lot more to know about how to care for yourself pre- and post-surgery than just those restrictions.

Preparing for a Mommy Makeover and its subsequent recovery period requires careful planning and meticulous adherence to all instructions from your surgeon. Understanding these guidelines can help you avoid complications and achieve the best possible outcomes. Below, we cover what not to do before and after a Mommy Makeover and how to prepare yourself for your surgery.


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Before & After Mommy Makeover Case 1168 View #1 View in Los Angeles, CA
Mommy Makeover  Before and After Pictures by Dr. David Stoker
Before & After Mommy Makeover Case 1168 View #2 View in Los Angeles, CA
Mommy Makeover  Before and After Pictures by Dr. David Stoker
Before & After Mommy Makeover Case 1168 View #3 View in Los Angeles, CA
Mommy Makeover  Before and After Pictures by Dr. David Stoker

What Not To Do Before a Mommy Makeover

Before undergoing a Mommy Makeover, there are several precautions to take:

  • Don’t Take Certain Medications: Stop taking medications (and supplements) that can increase bleeding, such as aspirin and certain anti-inflammatories, at least a week before your surgery. Dr. David Stoker will advise you on what is and isn’t safe to take.
  • Don’t Smoke: Smoking can significantly impair your healing by reducing your blood flow, so it’s crucial to quit several weeks before and after surgery.
  • Don’t Crash Diet: Maintain a stable, healthy weight for at least 6 months. Significant weight fluctuations before surgery can affect your results and delay the healing process. You want to be strong and healthy to recover quickly and get the best surgical outcome.
  • Don’t Skip the Sunscreen: Excess sun exposure is traumatic for your skin. Dr. Stoker advises you to limit your time in the sun and wear broad-spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen each day. (Hint: looking after your skin before and after your procedure leads to better cosmetic outcomes and helps reduce the visibility of scarring).
  • Don’t Be Sedentary: Regular exercise is not only good for your health, but also for your recovery! Getting into an exercise routine prior to surgery makes it easier to bounce back after your procedure.
  • Don’t Go In Blind: Set realistic expectations for the outcomes including how many sizes you may lose and know what to expect from your procedure and the recovery period. A good plastic surgeon will explain everything in detail, but it helps if you do your research beforehand.

What Not To Do After a Mommy Makeover

After Mommy Makeover surgery, the path to recovery (and your final results) involves avoiding activities and habits that could compromise your health and outcomes:

  • Don’t Leave Preparations Until the Last Minute: Fill your prescriptions early, arrange for help with the kids and housework, stock up on food and supplies, and make your home conducive to recovery before being discharged from your procedure.
  • Don’t Lift Anything Heavy: For at least six weeks, avoid lifting anything heavier than 10 pounds to prevent straining your body as it heals. This includes picking up small children!
  • Don’t Engage in Strenuous Exercise: High-impact activities can interfere with healing and should be avoided until your surgeon gives you the all-clear. You will gradually be able to ease into exercise but save anything too taxing for several weeks after surgery.
  • Don’t Forget To Walk: Walking helps improve your surgical outcomes by increasing your circulation. Take it slow and easy but start walking as soon as you are able (including on the day of surgery).
  • Don’t Skip Your Compression Garments: These garments are vital for reducing swelling and supporting your new body contours. You will need to wear them continuously for the first few weeks to achieve the best outcomes.
  • Don’t Sleep on Your Stomach or Side: For at least 2 weeks, you’ll need to sleep on your back with your head elevated or on your side with your hips flexed. These positions avoid straining your incisions and putting undue pressure on your healing tissues. Many patients find it helpful to sleep in a recliner until they are used to sleeping on their backs.

For more recovery tips, please read our related blog post.

How Do I Prepare My Body for a Mommy Makeover?

Now that you know what not to do before and after your procedure, here are a few tips to prepare yourself for surgery:

  • Eat a Healthy Diet: A balanced diet high in protein and rich in vitamins and minerals can promote healing and fuel your recovery.
  • Get Moving: As mentioned above, regular, light exercise can help ensure that your body is in optimal condition for surgery and recovery.
  • Stay Hydrated: Getting enough fluids is great for your overall well-being, but it also helps with post-surgical swelling. A healthy, hydrated body has a lower risk of complications and a smoother recovery period.
  • Get Enough Rest: You’ll have an easier time if you are well-rested. Take it easy during your recovery and give yourself permission to rest for as long as you need. Rushing your recovery leads to suboptimal outcomes.

Get Ready for Your Mommy Makeover

The first step in your Mommy Makeover journey is a surgical consultation. To discuss your options with a board-certified plastic surgeon, please request a consultation online or call Stoker Plastic Surgery at (310) 300-1779.

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