Preparing for Rhinoplasty

Dr. David Stoker

Many people find themselves to be unhappy with the shape or size of their nose. For other people, abnormalities in the nose may be causing difficulty breathing and decrease the overall functionality of the nose. Luckily, the rhinoplasty procedure can sculpt the nose for a more desirable shape and help restore normal breathing. Dr. David Stoker is a skilled nose surgeon in Los Angeles that has performed hundreds of rhinoplasty procedures. To see why so many people choose him as their surgeon, you may view hundreds of his before and after pictures to see the results he has achieved for his other patients.

After you have met with Dr. Stoker for a consultation and discussed your reasoning for nose surgery and the goals that you have for the procedure, a day for surgery will be set and the preparation will begin. Preparing for any surgical procedure is important because it will aid in the recovery process. It will also help to reduce anxiety. It is best that you stop smoking and reduce your alcohol intake. Indulging in activities of this sort can lead to unnecessary complications during the procedure and into recovery.

As you prepare for the day of surgery using guidelines provided by Dr. Stoker, you will also need to prepare for the recovery. If you have a plan in place, then the actual recovery can become less stressful. After your surgery is complete, you may still be groggy. It is best that you have all your prescriptions filled ahead of time and that you are stocked with plenty of ice packs. Also, you can gather activities to keep you busy as you rest such as books, movies and games. One of the most important things to plan is a ride home as you will be unable to drive. Dr. Stoker insists that an adult stay with you for at least 24 hours to make sure that you are getting the proper medications, water and assistance when needed.

When the day of surgery arrives you should show up to the surgical center wearing comfortable clothes, no jewelry and no makeup. From here, Dr. Stoker and his team will handle the rest to ensure that you are comfortable. Before you know it you will have the nose of your dreams and be able to breathe easy once again.

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