How ‘Rapid’ Is Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation?

Dr. David Stoker

A woman feels her breasts after getting breast augmentation surgery.

Consultations with breast augmentation patients at my Los Angeles practice always include a discussion about the recovery process. One of the questions I often hear—and that is asked frequently on sites such as RealSelf—is whether the “Rapid Recovery” technique really speeds up the pace of healing.

I understand why potential patients may be skeptical. The aesthetics field is filled with marketing phrases that make procedures or treatments sound too good to be true. In many cases, those phrases aren’t backed up by facts or research. That’s not the case with rapid recovery breast augmentation.

The rapid recovery approach involves specific techniques used during breast augmentation surgery that help reduce bleeding and post-op swelling. These techniques also tend to shorten the time needed for surgery, but that isn’t the primary goal. The steps involved in a rapid recovery breast augmentation operation include:

Minimizing trauma during the procedure: This results in greatly reduced discomfort following the surgery. Limiting the trauma to tissue and muscle during a breast augmentation procedure requires using specific surgical techniques.

Precise creation of implant pockets: When surgeons perform breast augmentation, they create small pockets into which they place the implants. One of the key elements is creating a detailed surgical plan customized for each patient. Precise pocket dissection optimizes the relationship between the implant and soft tissue in the breasts.

Touch-free augmentation: Limiting the handling of the implants both reduces trauma and the risk of post-op infection that can lead to complications. The Keller Funnel® is an innovative device that gives surgeons the ability to place implants without touching them.

Use of long-lasting local anesthetic: I inject Exparel before closing breast augmentation incisions. Exparel is a long-acting anesthetic that can reduce or eliminate the need for prescription medication such as opioids to manage pain after surgery. Approved by the FDA in 2011, Exparel is now used by both cosmetic and general surgeons to improve recovery.

In addition to these steps, I provide patients with detailed post-op instructions that help shorten the recovery time. Patients who undergo rapid recovery breast augmentation can typically return to work within a few days for jobs that aren’t physically demanding. It’s not uncommon for patients to go out to dinner the night after the surgery, and patients who undergo surgery on a Thursday often go back to work on the following Monday.

The results using rapid recovery breast augmentation are as beautiful as ever, as you can see in our gallery of before-and-after photos. If you’re interested in learning more about this technique and breast augmentation in general, contact us using the online form or give us a call at (310) 300-1779 to schedule an appointment.


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