Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition with Dr. Stoker

Dr. David Stoker

Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition once again introduces us to a touching story. Tony, a 49 year old man that has struggled with weight his whole life has the opportunity of a lifetime to turn his life around and become a new man. The culprit for Tony’s weight gain like many people was too much fast food and not enough motivation to stay fit. Along with Chris Powell, Tony is ready to turn his life around with the help of his personal trainer and other doctors along the way. Through an intensive lifestyle change Tony hopes that by his 50th birthday he will once again be a healthy and happy person.

As Tony pushes on to work hard through his workouts and stay on the path to eating healthy, he has to struggle through some problems at home. Being successful in a massive weight loss is difficult when you do not have the family support you need. As Tony faces issues with his fiancé he tries to hold strong to his weight loss goal and move forward for himself. After meeting his first weight loss goal of losing 100 lbs, Tony informs his personal trainer that he has left his fiancé to alleviate stress and move on to a happier future. Now living out of his car, yet still keeping up with his program, Tony claims there is no excuse for people to not keep eating healthy and working out.

After working hard for 270 days, Tony has finally shed the weight and has reached 226lbs. He lost over 43% of his total weight. It may be a wonder now as to what happened to all of the skin that was covering over the fat that Tony had. The answer is it is still there. Skin can bounce back to its original positioning, but in extreme cases such as Tony’s, there will still be an excess of hanging skin that is left behind. At his weigh in, he is able to meet Dr. Stoker, national leader in plastic surgery, to discuss if he is a good candidate for skin removal surgery. After discussing Tony’s health records and running a few tests, the great determination is made that Tony indeed is eligible for the skin removal surgery. Overwhelmed with joy, Tony cannot wait until he can see the body underneath the skin that he has worked so hard to get.

Tony, like most people that have undergone a massive weight loss, will not be completely happy after shedding the weight. Their self-esteem and happiness will remain shadowed by the appearance of excess skin covering their newly sculpted body. Dr. Stoker is able to produce dramatic results that change peoples’ lives. He can unveil the body that his patients have worked for and contour its shape to be everything they have desired. If you are someone that has recently lost a massive amount of weight and are interesting in skin removal or body lift surgery to help turn your life around, schedule a consultation with Dr. Stoker to see if you are a good candidate.

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