After You Lose the Weight, How Do You Lose the Skin?

Dr. David Stoker

man and woman jogging on the beach

Anyone who loses a significant amount of weight—whether through lifestyle changes or weight-loss surgery—deserves to feel proud of their journey and accomplishments. Unfortunately, the presence of excess skin can diminish this excitement. But body contouring surgery at my Los Angeles practice can remove this skin and help you complete your personal transformation.

Plastic surgery after weight loss includes a range of procedures, and different procedures can sometimes be combined into a single operation. When a patient needs numerous skin tightening procedures, I may recommend staging them in multiple surgeries to ensure patient safety. If you’re still considering whether to get body contouring surgery after losing 100 pounds or more, here are a few things to keep in mind as you make your decision:

Benefits to Your Overall Health

Even though plastic surgery to remove excess skin is often thought of as only a cosmetic procedure, there are multiple medical problems associated with sagging skin. Bacteria trapped in the folds of excess skin can cause infections, and rashes and sores can often develop. The only permanent solution to these issues is to remove the skin. Additionally, studies have shown that patients who get plastic surgery after weight-loss surgery are more likely to control their weight in the future.

Patients May Need Various Procedures

As a body contouring specialist, I address the unique needs of every person who comes to my practice for plastic surgery after weight loss. Because each procedure targets a specific area, I create a comprehensive surgical plan after an extensive consultation and physical exam. I may complete the procedure in a single operation, such as one that combines a tummy tuck and breast lift. We also offer procedures to remove excess skin from other areas of the body through an arm lift, full body lift, thigh lift, or pubic lift.

Choose a Specialist

Comprehensive body contouring procedures require a plastic surgeon with the expertise to perform these operations safely and effectively. Throughout my career, I’ve specialized in skin tightening surgery for patients who have lost significant weight. For example, I was the plastic surgeon who performed body contouring surgery for the ABC network show “Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition” during its first 3 seasons on the air. In addition, I’ve instructed colleagues on body contouring and am a member of the clinical faculty at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California.

The first step in getting plastic surgery after weight loss is to schedule a consultation so that we can discuss your specific situation and goals. It’s also helpful to view before-and-after photos of actual patients who underwent body contouring procedures after losing weight.

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