When it comes to tummy tuck aftercare, taking the right steps can greatly contribute to a smooth and successful recovery. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through essential tips and practices to ensure optimal healing and long-term results. Whether you've recently undergone a tummy tuck procedure or are considering one in the future, this …
Are you considering liposuction, but worried about the recovery time? If so, you're not alone. Liposuction is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that involves removing excess fat from various parts of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, arms, and hips. While liposuction can be an effective way to improve the contours of your body …
While all surgeries carry some risk, Mommy Makeovers have been performed safely for decades. It’s important to understand, however, that the safety of a Mommy Makeover depends on several factors, including your choice of surgeon, the specific procedures included in the operation, and the age and overall health of the patient. It’s not surprising that …
If you’ve heard of a liquid facelift and wondered what that means, you’re not alone. We’re often asked about the differences between a liquid facelift and a facelift. The answer is that one is a nonsurgical procedure, and the other is cosmetic plastic surgery. Once patients learn the difference, the next question is often, “which …
Sculpted cheekbones are almost universally considered attractive, which is one reason the popularity of buccal fat reduction isn’t surprising. Especially when combined with other procedures, such as liposuction under the chin, buccal fat removal can profoundly affect the appearance and shape of your face. For people who are self-conscious about having “chipmunk” cheeks, buccal fat …
I'm Dr. David Stoker, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. One of the questions we frequently receive from both patients and writers out there is: What are the dangers of going to a surgeon who may not be the best at mommy makeover surgery in particular? Well, first, it's important to understand what a …
Being a guy with overly developed breasts can be embarrassing, whether a teenager or an adult. It is often caused by a condition called gynecomastia, which is quite common and may go away on its own if you’re an adolescent going through puberty. Many people ask how to know if their “man boobs” are caused …
I’m frequently asked what the right age is for a facelift. Even though most of the Traceless Facelift patients we see are in their 50s or 60s, plenty of people in their 40s get facelifts, as do women and men in their 70s if they’re healthy. Additionally, people younger than 40 who have lost significant …
Hi, I'm Dr David Stoker board-certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. A question I practice frequently receives, What causes breast implants to Ripple? That's a really good question, and it comes down to either the implant or the patient's body. The implants are not solid. A solid implant is something we might use on a …
I'm Dr. David Stoker, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. A question that my practice frequently receives is should breast implants be placed over or under the muscle. The answer is it depends. Most of the time, we're going to put it underneath the muscle. The muscle is the pectoralis major muscle that basically …
We’re thrilled to offer a special promotion on Morpheus8, the revolutionary skin tightening and contouring treatment everyone’s talking about. 🗓 This exclusive offer ends 4/1/25